最近有一項全新研發的產品「清醛味 Eliminate」,安全之餘,30分鐘就可以有效清除甲醛,到底是否真的如此神奇?醫師Easy 特意邀請到兩位專家,包括Sundial Technology 首席執行官 徐光海博士分享產品的原理和特點;以及金牌家居清潔 創辦人黃智健先生 為大家拆解專業除甲醛過程。
After buying the house, after several months of decoration, I finally looked forward to moving into the new house with my wife and children! Wait a minute, don’t you know that there may be a danger of formaldehyde exceeding the standard after the decoration of your new house? Especially homeowners with children, pregnant women and the elderly at home, must not ignore the importance of formaldehyde removal, so as not to let the beloved family members in the environment full of formaldehyde gas for a long time, resulting in harm to health regret.
Recently, a well-known nail polish brand found that the formaldehyde exceeded the standard by 82 times. What is “formaldehyde”? Presumably many people immediately think of the pungent smell emanating from brand-new decorations, furniture, cars, etc., as well as occasional news reports that clothing, cosmetics, black-hearted foods, etc. contain excessive formaldehyde. In the end, where is formaldehyde sacred, and why is it ubiquitous like the Monkey King? Should we be worried about formaldehyde exceeding the standard?